Dewey's 24 Readathon

Tuesday April 20, 2021

Decide to start doing the dewey's 24 readathon board game today. First roll I got a 5 which had me land on read a contemporary. I decided to read the Guest List for this since it is a newer thriller so it is contemporary really. Only 23 pages in so far. Not sure I like many of the characters that have been introduced but maybe after a little more of the book I will make up my mind. I really dislike the bride right now lol.

52 pages in now and the bride is still getting on my nerves lol. The only two people I seem to like so far are the sister and the best friend's wife. I guess we will see if that changes when I read more. 

Friday April 23, 2021

Got a little side tracked watching tv. So I am behind on reading the guest list. I did get another 30 mins of reading done while I was waiting to get an MRI. So I am now on page 86. 

Saturday April 24, 2021

30 mins until the readathon starts! I have two books to finished that I started earlier in the week. The Guest List from my dice roll for the readathon and Malice that I started as an audiobook while I was driving around doing errands on friday. Hopefully I can get them both completed and finish off the dice game today.

Time to make something to eat and my first cup of coffee of the day lol. 

Finally gotten to about halfway thru the Guest List. I think I already know what is going on lol. I have a feeling the guy that the younger sister slept with was her sister's soon to be husband. Not 100% sure but I think that is what is happening at this point. Hopefully will get some more answers soon. 

Another quick thought. I really don't like book that much where the story keeps changing POVs. There are so many narrators in this that I am getting a little confused at times. 

Going to switch to my audiobook for a little while since I have some chores to do around the house.


Ok the twists just keep coming. Will was also the guy that put videos of Hannah's sister on the internet that caused her suicide.  What a douchebag.

Holy Crap another twist. The wedding planner is the sister of the younger boy he killed when he was in school. This book is crazy lol

Ok final thoughts on the Guest List. Not a bad book. There were a lot of good twists. I was able to see one of them coming but all of the others took me by surprise.  Think I am going to give this one like a 4 or 4.5 stars. 

Roll #2: Got a 3 which had me land on read 100 pages and jump ahead. Going to listen to enough of Malice to have read 100 pages in the book version to complete this.  Jump ahead lands me on a graphic novel so need to choose from the 6 I have out from comiXology Unlimited. Not sure which one to read tho. Might do a poll on twitter. 

Update on Roll #2:

Over halfway thru this audiobook and I am still not feeling it which is kind of sad since I preordered this from audible. I am starting to think I just don't like audiobooks that much. I have reread books that I listened to on audio and have liked them so much more the 2nd time around. I might DNF this. I thought it would be something I liked. Maybe I will try to get the book from the library and try reading it again sometime. I think I might keep going since I only have about 2 hours left on 2 times speed. I do still have a few things to do around the house today so I might use this audiobook to finish that later. 

Mini Challenge: Bookish Would You Rather

My list of Books:

1. Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

3. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

4. City of Bones by Cassandra Claire

5. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

6. A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K Hamilton

7. The Sun Down Motel by Simone St James

8. The Guest List by Lucy Foley

9. Harry and Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling

10. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

Questions and Answers:

If the main character of book 2 was trapped in the zombie apocalypse, would they have a better chance of surviving alone or with the love interest of book 7? Along since Katniss is very resourceful and there was a love interest in book 7 really. Lol

Would you rather be trapped on an island with the love interest of book 1 or the main character of book 9? Love interest of book 1 since he is an over 400 year old Vampire named Jean-Claude and the main Character of book 9 is an 11 year old.

Would you rather have an epic duel with the villain of book 4 or the main character of book 10?

One of the main characters of book 10 since they spend most of the book drunk as skunks lol. 

Would you rather trade lives with the love interest of book 3 forever or the villain of book 5 for a month?

The love interest of book 3 since I would be a vampire or a werewolf. I think I rather lived forever or a long time then die.

If the love interest of book 6 were planning something dastardly, would the main character of book 1 or the villain of book 9 have a better chance at stopping them? The main character of book 1 since she is a badass. 

Would it be better to have the love interest of book 5 in charge of the world for a week, or to have the main character of book 4 join forces with the villain of book 2?

This one is a hard question to answer. Since everyone in book 5 are kind of stupid at times and President Snow was a jerk and I don't think he would have gotten alone with Clary for very long. 

If the main characters from books 2, 6, and 9 got together, could they defeat the villain of book 10 armed only with their wits and a bucket of rubber ducks?

Possibly. She was pretty powerful but Ferye beat her so I am sure Katniss, Merry and Harry could beat her too.

Would you rather see a concert where the villain of book 8 was headlining, or a movie with the love interest of book 8 as the star?

Movie with the love interest. He was way more interesting for the few pages he was in then the villain was in the whole book.

Would you rather have every meal made for you by the villain of book 5, or have to rhyme every other word with the main character’s name from book 7?

Rhyme every other word with the main characters name in book 7 since the villain of book 5 would probably try to poison me. 

The love interest of book 2 has been framed for murder! Will you have a better chance of solving it with the villain of book 6 or the main character of book 3?

This is another tough question since Cel in book 3 gets other people to do his dirty work and Bella from book 3 is just annoying. I guess I would go with Cel since his flunkies usually gets stuff done. 

Onto the graphic novel: 

Put up a poll on twitter and only had one vote so far for Saga Vol 2. I guess I will be reading that or I could wait for another hour and make my bed and make a pizza while I listen to some more of Malice. 

Going to try to start dinner and make my bed up will listening to my audiobook so I can give the poll a little more time. 

Ok the poll was even between From Hell and Saga Vol 2. I am going to go for From Hell. I like anything to do with Jack the Ripper so I think I will love it. At least I sure hope I do.

40 % of the way thru and I have to say I not liking this as much as I liked the movie that was made from this graphic novel. I am seriously debating on not finishing it. And just going onto my next roll since I did at least attempt to read the graphic novel prompt.

Decided to just take a break from From Hell and do roll #3, got a 4 landed on roll again, rolled again and got another 4 which was listen to an audiobook. Only have about an hour left of Malice so going to finish that after taking a coffee break. 

Sadly I think I am going to have to cut my readathon short. I have arthritis in my back and it is starting to really hurt and the pain meds I was giving make me drowsy and the only thing that really helps the pain is to lay down and I know if I lay down I will pass out. 

I did get 3 books completed and read 1374 pages from 8 am to 12 am. So even though I failed at staying awake I did a pretty good job. 


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